7.5. Transformation configuration and use
If filters are added during a transformation, that transformation will apply only to the dataset records that have been accepted by the filter.
Help zone
describing what the transformation does (hide it by clicking ‘-‘ in the top left of the zone).
List of fields
to which the transformation will apply (you can select multiple fields using Shift or Ctrl) and of all the options available for the current transformation.
applies the current transformation to the dataset. Preview
shows the changes the current transformation will make.
7.6. Quick access to transformations
Field Browser gives fast access to some frequently used transformations. To call these up, right-click the selected field(s) in Field Browser:
The Field Browser pop-up menu also lets you add filters to selected fields
7.7. Viewing the changes made by a transformation
The Change View Window of a transformation presents as shown below:
Changes are organized using 5 criteria:
Input field (white).
Modified field (beige).
Modified value (yellow).
New field (blue).
Deleted field (gray).
You can view the changes made by a transformation in 2 locations:
7.8. Field transformations
7.8.1. Add a field
Create a new field. By default, this will be empty. If you enter the default value, you can allocate the same value to all the cells.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.8.2. Concatenate fields
Create a new field by concatenating multiple existing fields.
The transformation will apply to multiple fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.8.3. Copy a field
Create a new field that is a copy of an existing field.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will not use the active filter(s).
7.8.4. Divide a field
Divide a field into multiple fields by using one or more separators.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.8.5. Merge fields
Fill in the missing values in the first field with the first value found in the other selected fields.
The transformation will apply to multiple fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.8.6. Change field type
Change or override field type (e.g. change field type from numeric to text).
The transformation will apply to one or more fields.
The transformation will not use the active filter(s).
7.8.7. Fill in missing values
Fill in the missing values in one or more fields with the last non-blank value found. The table below provides an example:
Date |
Forecast |
11/05/2019 |
800 |
12/05/2019 |
13/05/2019 |
21/05/2019 |
950 |
22/05/2019 |
23/05/2019 |
After the transformation, the following table will be produced:
Date |
Forecast |
11/05/2019 |
800 |
12/05/2019 |
800 |
13/05/2019 |
800 |
21/05/2019 |
950 |
22/05/2019 |
950 |
23/05/2019 |
950 |
The transformation will apply to one or more fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.8.8. Rename a field
Change the name of a field.
The transformation will apply to a single field.
The transformation will not use the active filter(s).
7.8.9. Reorder the fields
Reorder the fields in a dataset.
The transformation will apply to multiple fields.
The transformation will not use the active filter(s).
7.8.10. Delete a field
Delete one or more fields.
The transformation will apply to one or more fields.
The transformation will not use the active filter(s).
7.8.11. Transpose fields within records
Transpose the values of selected fields in one record per field, e.g. in the dataset below:
Country Name |
1960 |
1961 |
Afghanistan |
414.371 |
491.378 |
Angola |
550.05 |
454.708 |
Albania |
2024.184 |
2280.874 |
Using the following parameters to make the transformation:
List of fields: 1960 and 1961.
Header sink field: Year.
Value sink field: Level.
Country Name |
Year |
Level |
Afghanistan |
1960 |
414.371 |
Angola |
1960 |
550.05 |
Albania |
1960 |
2024.184 |
Afghanistan |
1961 |
491.378 |
Angola |
1961 |
454.708 |
Albania |
1961 |
2280.874 |
The transformation will apply to multiple fields.
The transformation will not use the active filter(s).
7.8.12. Hide sensitive data
Hide sensitive data to protect its confidentiality.
Several masking strategies are available:
Semantic masking
Deterministic masking
Mask everything
Mask the first n characters
Keep the first n characters
Mask the last n characters
Mask the characters between two positions
Keep the characters between two positions
Mask the figures
Use Preview for an advance view of masking results.
The transformation will apply to multiple text fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.9. Record transformations
7.9.1. Delete records
Delete filtered records.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.9.2. Delete blank records
Delete blank records. In a blank record all the fields will be blank.
The transformation will not use the active filter(s).
7.10. Text transformations
7.10.1. Add a prefix
Add a prefix to the values in the selected field.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.10.2. Add a suffix
Add a suffix to the values in the selected field.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.10.3. Attribute a value to cells
Attribute the same value to all the cells in a field. If the new value is blank, the content of the cells will be deleted.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.10.4. Capitalization
Capitalize the first letter of each word in each cell in the selected field(s). Can be applied to the first word only by selecting the First word only option.
The transformation will apply to one or more fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.10.5. Complete to the right
Complete to the right, with a given string of characters, all cells in the selected field.
For example:
A cell bcd, a completion string a and a length 4, will give bcda.
A cell bcda, a completion string a and a length 4, will give bcda.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.10.6. Complete to the left
Complete to the left, with a given string of characters, all cells in the selected field.
For example:
A cell bcd, a completion string a and a length 4, will give bcda.
A cell abcd, a completion string a and a length 4, will give bcda.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.10.7. Convert to lower case
Convert all the characters in each cell of the selected field to lower case
For example: “CONTENT of a Cell” will become “content of a cell”.
The transformation will apply to one or more fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.10.8. Convert to upper case
Convert all the characters in each cell of the selected field to upper case.
For example: “CONTENT of a Cell” will become “content of a cell”.
The transformation will apply to one or more fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.10.9. Convert from HTML entities
Convert the HTML entities of each cell in the selected field to characters.
For example:
Entité HTML
will becomeEntité HTML
Entité HTML
devientEntité HTML
The transformation will apply to one or more fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.10.10. Convert to HTML entities
Convert the eligible characters in each cell in the selected field into their HTML entity format.
For example: Entité HTML
will become Entité HTML
The transformation will apply to one or more fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.10.11. Convert Unicode code points into characters
Convert Unicode [7] code points into characters (glyphs) in each selected field.
For example:
will becomeBibliothèque
Mus\\ u00E9e
will becomeMusée
Further information
Unicode on Wikipedia.
Unicode code point in Wikipedia.
The transformation will apply to one or more fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.10.12. Standardize spaces
Delete consecutive spaces (and any character similar to a space: tabs, returns, etc.) and replace them with a single space (ASCII + 10).
The transformation will apply to one or more fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.10.13. Search/replace
Search/replace using either plain text or a regular expression. This can be done for all types of field and unrecognised values.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.10.14. Language recognition
Recognize the language of each cell in the selected field. The language recognized will be stored in a new field. Available language formats are:
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.10.15. Delete the HTML code
Delete HTML tags, replace HTML and Unicode entities with their text equivalents in the selected fields.
The transformation will apply to one or more fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.10.16. Delete diacritics
Delete all diacritics [10] from each cell in the selected field. Accents too are diacritics.
The characters in the following Unicode categories are also considered diacritics:
LM LETTER, Modifier.
SK SYMBOL, Modifier.
MN MARK, Nonspacing.
The transformation will apply to one or more fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.10.17. Delete start and end spaces
Delete spaces and and all characters similar to spaces (tabs, returns, etc.) at the start or end of a text.
The transformation will apply to one or more fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.11. Numeric transformations
7.11.1. Decimal rounding
Decimal rounding:
If the strategy is to the nearest whole number , the decimal will be rounded up or down to the nearest whole number (2.6 will become 3 and 2.4 will become 22).
If the strategy is to the next whole number above, the decimal will be rounded up to the nearest whole number (2.1 will become 3).
If the strategy is to the next whole number below, the decimal will be rounded down to the nearest whole number (2.6 will become 2)
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.11.2. Create fixed-size intervals
Create fixed-size intervals from a numeric column.
[0, 10[
[10, 20[
[20, 30[ etc.
This transformation can be used to create e.g. histograms (i.e. bar charts) using continuous values.
Choose the name of the numeric column that will be used to create the intervals.
Choose the name of the new column that will contain the intervals.
Set a lower limit for the first interval and an upper limit for the last interval (this is optional). If a lower limit B is set, all values below that limit will fall into interval ]-∞, B[. If an upper limit B’**is set |image421|, all values at or above that limit will fall into interval **[B’, +∞[.
Tick the option to get a text column with [X, Y[ intervals, meaning that the value is >= X and < Y.
Tick the option to get two numeric columns. The first will contain the lower interval limits (inclusive) and the second will contain the upper interval limits (exclusive).
Result preview:
7.11.3. Convert units of measurement
Convert one unit of measurement into another (e.g. convert kilometers into miles).
The source unit of measurement can also be detected automatically.
This transformation can be done in 2 ways:
Simple conversion: from one numeric field to another, possibly the same, numeric field.
Conversion with automatic unit recognition: from one text field to a new numeric field.
The transformation will apply to one or more fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.11.4. Extract numbers
Extract the numbers from a text field and enter them in new fields.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.12. Date transformations
7.12.1. Convert a whole number into a date
Convert a whole number into a date.
The input number may be a literal representation of the date (e.g. 20190715 = 15 July 2019) or it may represent the number of days or milliseconds since a start date. For example, if you indicate that your number is taken from Microsoft Excel, 39448 will be converted to 1 January 2008 because there are exactly 39 448 days between 1 January 1900 and 1 January 2008.
The transformation will apply to one or more fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.12.2. Extract part of a date
Extract part of a date field (Year, Quarter, Month, Day ) and enter it in a new field.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.12.3. Custom format a date
Format the date in a date field using a custom format and then enter it in a new field.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.12.4. Format a date using a preset format
Format the date in a date field using a preset format and then enter it in a new field.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.12.5. Date interval
Calculate the date interval between two date fields. A new field will be created with the result of the calculation, expressed in Weeks, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds or Milliseconds, as you prefer.
The transformation will apply to one or more fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.12.6. Date recognition
At import, the system will attempt to decrypt all not recognized cells within a date field as dates by trying various formats and countries (e.g. 2nd March 2015, 2015.03.02, etc.). The selected formats must be validated by the user.
The first date field in the dataset will be automatically selected
(when the field has been processed, select the next one manually).
The system will try to discover the format (e.g. YYY-MM-dd)
that recognizes the greatest number of dates in the field (that number, and the percentage it represents, will be shown in the drop-down list). If no such format can be found or if you prefer not to use automatic recognition, you can enter your own format in the zone
Results preview
: cells are green if the format shown in the zone
recognizes the cell as a date (left column shows the raw value that was not recognized at import; the right column shows the date as recognized using the format specified in the zone
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
For custom formats, in the vast majority of cases you must use yyyy rather than capitals for four-figure years. This is because * y represents the calendar year (which is widely used in practice), while * Y represents the “Week Year”. Depending on whether the new year starts in a new week, the last few days of the year may fall into the following year.
For more information, see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Week_dates
7.13. Clustering transformations
Group words/texts with similar spelling together in a given field. Algorithms will create these clusters but the decision whether to standardize the text in the clustered cells is left up to the user.
Selection of the field
you want to explore for potential clustering.
Open preview
. Clusters will have been calculated to enable you to make a decision.
The zone
will display the clusters found: 1 row = 1 cluster (e.g. in the fig. above the system indicates that it has found 3 similar spellings for MONOSPACE and that there are 48 rows in this cluster).
Click Display cluster details
(or double-click the zone
) to go to Details and make a decision on each cluster.
Cluster of similarly spelled words
. Deselect one or more options to exclude them from the final cluster (= false positives).
When you select an option in this zone
, the system will display the relevant records in the zone
(making it easier to e.g. identify false positives).
Select a replacement for all similar spellings (or double-click an option in the zone
to select it automatically as the replacement).
Use Accept then Next
to confirm with a single click all the decisions you have made about the current cluster (i.e. selections made in the zone
+ replacement text in the zone
) and move on to the next cluster. Click Next to move on to the next cluster without validating the current cluster (i.e. without making any replacements).
Apply: click to apply a replacement in all clusters validated during the 4 steps described above.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.13.1. Phonetic clustering
Clusters of cells with similar pronunciations, e.g. telephone and telefones.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.13.2. Consonant-first fingerprint
Cluster of character-strings, based on the consonant sequence in the text.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.13.3. Exact match fingerprint
Exact value match clusters
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.13.4. Universal fingerprint
Match similar texts using a combination of strategies:
Removal of non-meaningful words (articles, pronouns, coordinating conjunctions etc.).
Removal of double vowels and double consonants.
Removal of common abbreviations.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.13.5. Vowels-first fingerprint
Cluster of character-strings, based on the vowel sequence in the text.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.13.6. N-Gram clustering
Cell clustering based on common letter pairs (or triplets, quadruplets, etc. depending on the value of N).
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.14. Deduplication transformations: multi-algorithm deduplication
Tale of Data allows multi-field (user selects the fields to be used when deciding whether to match two rows) and multi-algorithm (user selects the match algorithm for each field: phonetic, N-Gram, etc.) deduplication:
The transformation will apply to one or more fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.15. Nature transformations
7.15.1. Attribute a nature to a field
Change or override the nature of a field (e.g. override ‘telephone number’ as the nature of a numeric column).
The transformation will apply to one or more fields.
The transformation will not use the active filter(s).
7.15.2. Delete the nature of a field
Delete the nature of one or more fields.
The transformation will apply to one or more fields.
The transformation will not use the active filter(s).
7.15.3. Divide a URL
From a URL, extract the: protocol (http, ftp, etc.), domain name (www.taleofdata.com, www.google.fr, etc.), port, path or parameters from the URLs of the selected field to one or more new fields.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.15.4. Decode the URLs
Decode each URL in the selected field into application/x-www-form-urlencoded format. For example:
will becomehttp://www.taleofdata.com
The transformation will apply to one or more fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.15.5. Encode the URLs
Encode each URL in the selected field into application/x-www-form-urlencoded format. For example:
will becomehttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.taleofdata.com
The transformation will apply to one or more fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.15.6. Format first names
Format first names (standardize spaces, capitalization) in the selected field.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.15.7. Extract surname, first name, title/gender from full names
Extract first names, surnames or titles from a field containing full names. This will also deduce titles and genders.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.15.8. Format proper nouns
Format proper nouns in the selected field.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.15.9. Format genders
Format genders by localized country/language, using a long/short format.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.15.10. Format titles
Format titles by localized country/language, using a long/short format.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.15.11. Format nationalities
Format nationalities (standardize spaces, capitalization) in the selected field.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.15.12. Extract the SIREN code
Extract the SIREN (Système d’Identification du Répertoire des ENtreprises) code from a field with SIRET (Système d’Identification du Répertoire des ETablissements) numbers to a new field. Extraction will only work if the SIRET codes are valid.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.16. Geographic transformations
7.16.1. Analyze an address
Analyze one or more fields containing addresses, then extract each part to new fields. If the address is organized across several fields, you must select them in the correct order.
The transformation will apply to one or more fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.16.2. Convert country codes
In the selected field, convert country codes from/to ISO 3166-1 [13] in the following formats:
2-letter code: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
3-letter code: ISO 3166-1 alpha-3.
Country name.
For example:
For codes with 2 letters, such as FR, conversion into ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 format will produce FRA.
For codes with 3 letters, such as USA, conversion into country name format using French as the language, will produce États-Unis.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.16.3. Correct obsolete INSEE municipality codes (France)
Replace obsolete INSEE municipality codes with the new codes. INSEE municipality codes can become obsolete for a number of reasons, including:
Municipality has been associated.
Municipality has been abolished.
Municipality has become delegated.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.16.4. Deduce geographic data from postcodes (France)
Enrich the current dataset with geographic data (department name, department code, region name, region code) deduced from the postcode in the selected field.
For example, postcode 75001 produces the following new fields:
Department code: 75.
Department name: Paris.
Region code: 11.
Region name: Île-de-France.
The same postcode may apply to several municipalities.
Some post codes can belong to a department that is different from the department of the code.
For better results, we advise using INSEE municipality codes or combining the postcode with the name of the town (delivery address).
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.16.5. Enrich with INSEE municipality codes (France)
Enrich the current dataset with geographic data from the Official Geographic Code [14] (name of municipality, name of department, code of department, name of region, code of region) based on the INSEE municipality code in the selected field.
For example, INSEE municipality code 75056 produces the following new fields:
Name of municipality: Paris.
Department code: 75.
Department name: Paris.
Region code: 11.
Region name: Île-de-France.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.16.6. Enrich from postcodes (France)
Enrich the current dataset with geographic data (INSEE municipality code, name of municipality, name of department, code of department, name of region, code of region) deduced from the postcode and town name (delivery address) in the selected field.
For example, post code 75001 plus town Paris will produce the following new fields:
INSEE municipality code: 75056.
Name of municipality: Paris.
Department code: 75.
Department name: Paris.
Region code: 11.
Region name: Île-de-France.
The transformation will apply to two fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.16.7. Enrich with country/country name codes
Add country codes or country names to a new field, using the ISO SO 3166-1 [15] country codes or country names in the selected field, in the following formats:
2-letter code: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
3-letter code: ISO 3166-1 alpha-3.
Country name.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.16.8. Geocode an address
Geocode one or more fields with addresses. Two fields will be added for latitude and longitude. If the address is divided over several fields, you must select them in the correct order (i.e. number, street, postcode, then town).
To retrieve address fields in the repository (e.g. number, street name, postcode, etc.) in addition to latitude and longitude, select Standardize addresses.
The transformation will apply to one or more fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.16.9. Retrouver le pays à partir de la latitude et longitude
Cette transformation permet de retrouver le pays à partir de la latitude et de la longitude. Il est également possible d’enrichir le jeu de données avec la capitale du pays, sa zone géographique et le continent auquel il appartient.
Pour des raisons de performances, cette transformation utilise des polygones représentant les contours légèrement simplifiés des différents pays du monde. Il peut arriver que certains points très proches d’une frontière ne soient pas rattachés au bon pays. Le taux de réussite est de 98.9% sur le dataset GeoNames “All Countries” contenant la latitude, la longitude et le pays pour 1 552 935 lieux (fichier allCountries.zip téléchargeable ici: <https://download.geonames.org/export/zip/>).
The transformation will apply to one or more fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.16.10. Standardize French postal addresses (AFNOR NF Z 10-011)
Standardize French postal addresses in accordance with AFNOR NF Z 10-011 of 19 January 2013 simplifying postal delivery. The regulation organizes French postal addresses into 6 fields:
The transformation will apply to one or more fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.16.11. Standardize French postal addresses (S42)
Standardize French postal addresses as per regulation S42, which organizes French postal addresses into 10 fields:
Given name.
Street No.
Street Name.
Street type.
The transformation will apply to multiple fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.17. Telephone number transformations
7.17.1. Extract the geographic zone from a telephone number
Extract the country from the international telephone numbers in the selected field and enter them in a new field.
A field with an international telephone number nature.
Only valid international telephone numbers can be used.
Outgoing format for countries:
2-letter code: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
3-letter code: ISO 3166-1 alpha-3.
Country name (localized).
For example:
Format |
Language |
Telephone number (incoming) |
Country (outgoing) |
2-letter code |
N/A |
+33 1 02 03 04 05 |
FR |
3-letter code |
N/A |
+32 2 333 44 55 |
Country name |
English |
+41 22 333 44 55 |
Switzerland |
Further information
International format (E.123) in Wikipedia.
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 in Wikipedia.
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 in Wikipedia.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.17.2. Format telephone numbers
Format telephone numbers to a pattern:
International format: +33 9 67 13 07 93.
National format: 0967130793.
E.164 format: +33967130793.
The transformation will apply to one or more fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.17.3. Adjust telephone numbers to become international numbers
Within a field containing telephone numbers, adjust those numbers to become international numbers by using a field containing country codes (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2), country codes (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3) or countries. Telephone numbers will be adjusted in a new field.
A field with an international telephone number nature.
A field with country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, alpha-3) or country name nature.
For example:
33 (010) 203-0405 with country code FR and international outgoing format will become +33 1 02 03 04 05 when adjusted.
0102030405 with country code FR and international outgoing format will become +33 1 02 03 04 05 when adjusted.
+33 (010) 203-0405 with country code FR and E.164 outgoing format will become +33 1 02 03 04 05 when adjusted
Possible values for the diagnostic column:
VALID: correction OK.
INVALID_FOR_REGION: telephone number not valid for country code.
INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE: invalid country code.
INVALID_INPUT: not a telephone number.
Further information
International format (E.123) in Wikipedia.
E.164 format in Wikipedia.
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 in Wikipedia.
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 in Wikipedia.
The transformation will apply to two fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.18. Email address transformations
7.18.1. Divide an e-mail address
Extract from an e-mail address: domain (contact@taleofdata.com, contact@gmail.com, etc.), local part (contact@taleofdata.com, contact@gmail.com, etc.) or domain and local part from e-mails in the selected field and enter them in one or more new fields.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.18.2. Format the e-mails
Format the e-mails (standardize spaces, delete accents, make characters lower case) in the selected field.
The transformation will apply to just one field.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).
7.18.3. Check the e-mails are consistent
Check for faults in e-mail addresses against fields containing the first names and surnames.
A field containing the e-mail addresses to be checked.
A field containing the relevant first names.
A field containing the relevant surnames.
For example:
surname |
first name |
email_consistency |
first name.surname@domain.com |
Surname |
First name |
OK |
fist namefist name.surname@domain.com |
Surname |
First name |
first name-surnam@domain.com |
Surname |
First name |
The transformation will apply to three fields.
The transformation will use the active filter(s).