3. Flow Designer

3.1. Create a flow in the flow view

You can create a Tale of Data flow in Flows image4 by clicking Add a Flow image5. Existing flows will display as thumbnails image6.


  • Text search image8 by flow name.

  • Flow sort image9 by:

    • Name (ascending/descending).

    • Date of creation (earliest/latest).

  • Flow filter by group image10.

  • Flow display filterimage11 to limit the display to just:

    • Flows created by the connected user.

    • Flows shared by or with other users.

  • Switch to list or thumbnail (default) mode image12.

3.2. Flow Designer

Once you have created the flow, the following flow designer screen will appear:


  • Toolbar image14 from which you can drag and drop sources, sinks and processors onto the canvas.

  • Canvas image15: the zone in which the flow will be designed.

  • Configuration zone image16 for the nodes making up the flow (source, sink, processor).

  • Preview zone image17 for the input and output data of the selected node.

Flow Designer lets you:

3.3. Flow Designer interface

Flow Designer lets you explore and manage your flows. In it, you can also start the running of a flow. In this section we shall recapitulate all the aspects of the interface.

3.3.1. Build a flow

The Start Guide details how to set up and use tools to gradually familiarize yourself with this space.

The toolbar is made up of the items detailed in :doc: `` Flow history

During flow design, all changes made to it will create a version of the flow that will be saved immediately.

The list of saved versions is the flow history.

You can restore any version of the flow that is stored in the history. This can be very useful if you want to take a step backwards in your work on the flow design.

To restore an archived version of the flow, click the three little dots in the top left of the toolbar and then from the drop-down menu select: Flow history.


The history window will open:


  • Zone for selecting the version of the flow that is to be restored image201.

  • Zone for previewing the version of the flow selected in the previous step. Hover the mouse over flow items to see the status of each node/function in this version.

  • Restore buttonimage202. Click this to move the current version of the flow to the history and replace it with the version selected at step 1.


By default, the last 30 versions of any flow will be saved to the history. Delete

image203 Deletes a node or link in the selected flow. Refresh

image205 Reloads data from source nodes. Generating flow documentation

To make it easier to discuss, understand and track a flow, you can generate pdf documents that clearly describe the configuration of each node in the flow. To do this, just click the Documentation iconimage234 image235 in the flow toolbar:

image236 Importing flow nodes and functions

Certain types of processing that use various types of flow nodes may need to be re-used in other flows. By importing flow nodes you can duplicate one or more nodes from a source flow in the (current) sink flow. The source and sink flows* can be the same **flow.

To import one or more nodes into the (current) sink flow, click the Import icon image237image238 on the flow toolbar:


The following selection window will open:


  • Zone for selecting a source flow image241.

  • Zone for selecting the nodes to be imported image242.

  • If a node in the source flow has the same name as a node in the sink flow image243, you must set the name the node will have in the sink flow so that you can deduplicate it.

Double-click the name of the node to display an editing zone:


Once the nodes have been selected and named, click Import to validate the import. image245.

3.4. Flow, dataset and record lineage.