1. Presentation
Tale of Data software enables IT and other business experts acquire, view, adjust, reconcile, deduplicate and enrich data from different sources.
It offers a number of benefits:
Better performance than standard off-the-shelf solutions, without limits on data volumes.
Carefully designed ergonomics and a fast learning curve.
At least 10 times faster in preparing data and enhancing its reliability.
Drag and drop creation of charts for checking data status.
1.1. Who is Tale of Data for?
It is primarily, but not only, intended for anyone with a professional understanding of data. Tale of Data is a zero-code platform that lets you check, transform and enrich data and enhance its reliability without the need for special programming or SQL skills.
This means that anyone with a business profile (e.g. auditors, analysts, research officers, project managers, consultants) or a technical profile (e.g. IT specialists, data scientists) can leverage their data using Tale of Data.
1.2. How it works
Tale of Data is based on flows. A Tale of Data project is a flow.
A flow is a directed and connected acyclic graph that is created interactively by the user to perform and automate processing that involves one or more datasets.
The runtime engine of the flows can operate in the following environments:
SaaS Tale of Data.
Basique (JRE + Servlet).
Cloud (GCP, AWS, Microsoft Azure).
Apache Spark Standalone (cluster managed by Apache Spark).
Hadoop / YARN (data stays in the cluster).
Kubernetes (data stays in the cluster).
1.3. Getting Started Guide
As well as this Reference Guide, we also provide a Getting Started Guide.
The Getting Started Guide supports you through the creation of your first flow.
It helps you familiarize yourself with the concepts, functionalities and definitions that are essential to a proper understanding of the software and how to use it.
We therefore recommend that you read the Getting Started Guide and create your first flow before you reading the Reference Guide, which deals with far more complex and advanced functionalities and concepts.